Health care
Healthcare is a basic, human right. Expanding access to affordable options and cost savings that reach communities where they are at is essential work we must do.
Support policies that move women’s issues, bodily autonomy and the ability to make informed healthcare decisions forward, not backward.
Expand low cost health care options and access through a public option in the state of MN, and leverage growth of low cost federal programs now to increase access and savings in the near-term.
Expand resources and access to preventative, mental health services, and substance use services, key tools for providers to lessen harms, promote health equity, and limit upstream costs both for individuals and the state.
In 2022, 30.5 million Americans received services through community care clinics. Expanding funding for trusted, culturally informed service providers to offer care puts resources in communities where they are needed.
Work with our most vulnerable and housing insecure communities where they are to increase health care outcomes and placement.
With some of the highest gaps in education in the nation in MN, it is clear we need to invest deeply into our public school system to improve outcomes.
Fully fund our public schools to ensure greater student and teacher success.
Invest in the support and retention of teachers of color across the metro and state, as BIPOC student success is proven to improve dramatically when teachers who look like them are in the classroom.
Leverage pathways and for post-secondary, technical and vocational programs while we expand access to no-debt tuition for eligible students through the Northstar Promise Act
Affordable housing, homeownership and renter rights
MN has a deficit of over 100,000 housing units. We need to continue to invest heavily in our state's affordable housing system to increase access, affordability, and housing supply. We can achieve this and more by:
Being bold with continued deep investment in funding for affordable and workforce housing across the state
Passing inclusionary zoning at the state level to increase density and bring prices down
Level the playing field between renters and landlords through stronger renter protections
Expand tools, education and down-payment support for first time homebuyers and BIPOC communities to help build intergenerational wealth and address redlining in our communities
Environment and climate
Climate change is the greatest existential threat of our age. Bold action steps are required to preserve our natural heritage for generations to come.
Fully leverage the federal Inflation Reduction Act to shrink our carbon footprint to aggressively reach our state and local climate action goals
Provide greater tools, education, and support for local partners (both public and private) to take advantage of state and federal subsidy
Invest in clean energy alternatives (wind, solar) and support net-zero development through available federal and state dollars
Support efforts to enhance our alternative energy sources across the the state, and energy storage capacity to move us towards a decarbonized energy grid by 2040 (current state goal)